Sunday, January 26, 2014

Life With Dog // A New Twist on Sit

Yesterday, my dog sat on me.

This is not a normal occurrence.

I was lying on the family room floor and patted the spot next to me, hoping Zoe would lie down there. Instead, she came over, walked halfway over me, then stopped with her back paws on my stomach. Suddenly, there was a giant weight on my ribs that I'd never felt before.

Couldn't breathe...

My mom died. It took me a few seconds to figure out that Zoe had sat on me. This never happens. Didn't know what to do.

So I started laughing and apparently Zoe doesn't like her seats to move around, 'cause she then got up and left-- after she pushed off my ribcage with her muscular behind and bony shins.

Is it lame to be sore because your dog sat on you?

Yeah, probs.


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