Last Thursday night, I got an email asking if I could come into the city to help flyer at Airbnb Open in the morning. In order for that to happen, I would need to BE ON the 6:20am Bart train heading to San Francisco. Which meant I would need to WAKE UP around 5:15am. I honestly wasn't super delighted, but at least I would have company {our web designer would be flyering with me and she's cool} and it would be nice to gain some exposure for our site. So I agreed.

This is what Bart looks like before the sun comes up. I layered like a pro-- we're talking tanktop, long sleeved shirt, warm fitted fleece pullover, and a bright yellow rain jacket in case it rained. And leggings under my jeans. I was ready! If not completely awake...

I was a bit worried about getting to the office at 7:15 in the morning. I was pretty sure I'd be the first one there, and I had NO IDEA where the light switches were. What if it was pitch-black in there? Do I just awkwardly hang outside waiting for Lizzie to show up, or fumble around for a light switch? Turns out, didn't have to do either because their lights are automatic and were already on when I walked in. {We don't work for MemSQL, just fyi. But we do share an office and I love their entryway}.
Unrelatedly, while I was taking this picture, one of their computer engineer guys walked in the front door {just to the left of me} and we gave each other startled "what are YOU doing here?" looks. He was probably more surprised to see me than vice versa. Heh. "Who IS that random Asian kid taking pictures in our office all by herself?!?"

When Lizzie arrived, we pulled on company t-shirts over our other clothes {she had on cold weather running gear and snowboots... East Coast kid}, grabbed the stack of flyers, and took Lyft Line from the office in SoMa to Fort Mason. First time I ever took one of those car sharing/service/whatever they're called things. Twas an interesting experience. We got to drive through the Embarcadero, under the Bay Bridge, past all the piers, and up/over some crazy hills. I played unabashed tourist. Like, photos-out-the-window tourist. It was pretty good. Lizzie thought I was a little odd.

Even though the weather report called for super fog and possible rain, it turned out to be a clear, sunny day with a slight sea breeze that kept things cool. I mean. Look at that view. Shoot. I love Fort Mason-- granted I say that about a lot of places in San Francisco. I've mentioned this before, but as a kid of two SF natives, I am fascinated by all the places they tend to take for granted. Last time I was out here, it was for Renegade Craft Fair, several summers ago. Still gorgeous.

After flyering for a while, Lizzie and I took a break and stopped by the Safeway across the street where I got a maple wonut... you know, a waffle donut? It wasn't quite a TRUE wonut {because Safeway}, but it still hit the spot. While I took pictures of my sugar-high donut and Lizzie ate her Chia seed breakfast bar {so healthy, sheesh}, we walked up the hill of the Great Meadow, next to Fort Mason. Since it was early Friday morning, it was pretty empty. Several groups of tourists on rental bikes wobbled past us {one guy was videotaping his girlfriend on his camera in one hand and trying to steer down the hill at the same time... O.o} and a dad with his two tiny daughters wandered by.

Alcatraz. We needed to get back to flyering, but I knew what the view was like at the top of the hill, so I made Lizzie speedwalk up to see it and then we spedwalked {is that the word?} back down to the entrance of Fort Mason. Since Lizzie's phone died while we were out talking with people, I had to download the app or else we'd've been stuck out there. Our Lyft Line driver going back to the office was super-talkative.
All in all, not a bad day. Flyering has always evoked conflicting emotions with me-- my introverted side is like, "dear goodness, not FLYERING. AAAAUGH," while my extroverted side is like, "meh, you'll never see these people again anyways and they don't know you! Go for it!" In other words, I dread flyering until I'm actually doing it, and then I'm fine {and not too shabby at it either}. It's weird.
Thanks, Lizzie, for keeping me company! For a last minute thing, we had fun. And hopefully interested some people to our company and product at the same time. Yay! It was a good day.
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