Things We Did This Thanksgiving:
+ Woke up and rolled back over because it's just us and we're in no rush to do anything today.
+ Daddy washed and started baking the yams by 10am and had crescent rolls in the toaster oven by 11am.
+ The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade was on, but no one was really watching... or listening. We just like having background noise.
+ I vacuumed some of downstairs.
+ I spent an hour and a half doing internshippy stuff in the hopes that I wouldn't have to turn on my computer for the rest of the weekend. {Spoiler: it didn't work}.
+ Yams came out of the oven, smoked turkey went in, Mom started her naw mey fan {I mutilated that spelling, but basically, sticky rice with sausage, peas, carrots, green onions, and shitaki mushrooms}.
+ We got distracted by the Purina National Dog Show. We find ANY dog show on TV and we'll get distracted. Favorite quote: "The perfect dog is the one next to you." Excellent.
+ Mom worked on her rice, Daddy ran the dog, I finished vacuuming.
+ I mentioned that the smell of baked yams and shitaki mushrooms probably signal Thanksgiving to me. It's kind of an odd combination, but it smells delicious, fyi.
+ Munching on turkey and yams and sticky rice was done around 2pm. Because again, it's just us and we can do what we want, when we want.
+ All afternoon, Daddy watched Nicholas Sparks movies, Mom contemplated working on her clothing-alterations pile {all hers because all her things are too baggy on her. I told her to stop buying things that are too large, she said some of this stuff is from twenty years ago. I don't understand this woman}, and I continued to clean my room. Zoe napped.
+ I had to keep logging onto my computer to deal with internshippy stuff. Another two hours worth. Yay.
+ More munching was done, progressive dinner style. Because again, it's just us.
+ "Thank You America" and the "Cause for Paws" dog show were watched. Because again, dog shows.
+ Blog posts were written.
+ Time was spent with la familia and petting the dog and enjoying the gorgeous weather outside. Twas good.
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