This has been a decently hectic month. If we count the end of December, too, then it's REALLY been a ridiculous forty days. Let's recap.
+ Week before Christmas: the padre ends up in the Emergency Room and spends the next six-ish days in the hospital.
+ Week before Christmas: while he's there, Zoe freaks out because her favorite human isn't home and she can feel how stressed Mom is, so she starts going downhill fast. Not going to the bathroom, mini seizures, inability to walk. Not fun stuff.
+ Week before Christmas: Mom's going back and forth from the hospital about two times a day, I'm making trips out to the hospital every day, she and I have both gone with the dog to the vet a couple times, and I now get to clean the entire house on my own, in prep for #STSSWinterAdventure2014, since the parentals are busy with other things. Whoot whoot.
+ Christmas Day: the padre comes home that afternoon. Dog is super excited. Still stiff.
+ Week after Christmas: friendsies arrive, fun is had, adventure is sought, exploring is done. Good week. Dog is better. Padre is recovering pretty well. Mom is enjoying house being decently clean. (:
+ New Year's Eve: friendsies head back to SoCal. Within half an hour of their departure, I'm in pajamas, under the covers, about to take a nap. Typical ambivert-- playplayplay all week, hermit like mad to recover.
+ New Year's Day: lunch with Debrr. Girl leaves for the East Coast that night, so it was our only time to see each other. Love her.
+ January 2nd: Get-together at one of our high school teacher's house to meet her new baby. It's funny how nothing and everything has changed since we graduated. These people are my people.
+ First week of January: back to interning and volunteering per usual.
+ January 10th: on-campus interview for Samuel Merritt's OT program. {I'm debating whether to just recap the whole thing now or write a separate thing for this. Knowing me, I should probably just recap now. Okay}. Walked in, not too nervous because I just figured I'd do the best I could and if I got in, cool, and if I didn't, it wouldn't kill me. Then realized I was literally the only person in the entire room not wearing black. Stood out like a dog in a room of cats. Decided to ignore that, met a ton of cool people, wasn't sure how the interview part went. Shrugged and let it go.
+ Second week of January: interning and volunteering per usual. Got a call Friday that said decisions for Merritt will be sent out the following week. If I have any questions about the result, call so-and-so to talk about it. Didn't sound like I got in. Shrugged and let it go.
+ Third week of January: got an acceptance email. What. So confused. Seriously didn't know what to do. Decided to ponder it for a while, since I had ten days until the tuition deposit was due. Didn't tell anyone. Interned from home and had to call in sick to volunteering because I lost my voice the same day I got the email. Was offered a part time paid position with current internship. Had to think about it.
+ Fourth week of January: decided I can do this and that I am going to do this and I am going to excel at this {the OT thing, not the PT paid thing}. Since I was going to make this career switch, so to speak, there wasn't much point in my continuing with the current internship and it would be better longterm to get a full time temporary position for the next eight months, so I can earn some money before heading back to school. Hard decisions for the last week of internship, but decisions I could stand by.
+ January 28th: hung out with Janelle, found out one of our high school friends might've gotten into the program as well. Yay for knowing people!
+ January 30th: brought black bottom cupcakes and thank you cards and business cards to last day of internship. Was taken out to an excellent brunch by the team. Definitely going to miss these people. Said my goodbyes, exchanged hugs and thank yous, returned my key. Met Tommy outside, walked a BAJILLION blocks to the SOMA StrEat Food Park, had dinner. Went back to the Union Square/Market Street area and wandered. Got on different Bart trains and went our separate ways. Got home and paid the tuition deposit. No going back nowww.
+ January 31st/February 1st: hermitting like no other because I'm not leaving this house until I get my voice back.
So that's what's been happening around here and why I've been MIA recently. I've been compiling a list of pro's for doing OT instead of whatever the heck I was hoping to do before, so once I've got that written down, I'll probably share it here. With the influx of free time, I hope to finally complete and hit "Publish" on all the posts I've got as drafts right now. We shall see how that goes.
I've missed you all and I'm excited for the things ahead! Yayyy, let's do this, February!
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